Amid the shimmering lights and bustling streets of Las Vegas lies a darker, hidden narrative. Sins & Survivors: Las Vegas True Crime examines the city's most unsettling true crime stories, focusing on cases interwoven with the complexities of domestic violence. Each episode your hosts, Shaun & John, shed light on the gritty realities survivors face and the resilience they embody.
Listen to "The Shocking Murder of Gina Martin" on Spreaker.Co-Host
Since her early teen years, Shaun has been contemplating the question, “How do we prevent crime?” Shaun has more than 25 years of experience in advocacy for survivors of crime, HIV/AIDS-infected/affected individuals, undocumented immigrants, family court petitioners, and children. She has lived in the Las Vegas area since 2005, working and volunteering for dozens of local non-profit organizations. Shaun is a proud graduate of City University of New York School of Law. Suggestions for episodes and questions for Shaun can be emailed
Your co-host John comes to you with 25 years of technology consulting experience and a strong interest in True Crime. John will host the Tech Corner episodes that punctuate Sins & Survivors. In those episodes, his focus will be educating people on the pitfalls of privacy in the digital age, and endeavor to make everyone a bit safer. Topics like cyberstalking, online safety, removal of information from online directories, and new privacy features on mobile devices are just a few topics we'll cover. Email him your questions at