Shiva Gummi Sentenced for the Murder of His Wife, Dr. Gwen Amsrala

Listen Now: A Community in Mourning - The Murder of Dr. Gwen Amsrala
On April 13, 2023, Dr. Gwen Amsrala celebrated the end of her first year of residency with her work colleagues. She spent the night at a friend’s house because she was concerned about a friend who had been drinking.
At around 8 AM on April 15, 2023, her husband, Shiva Gummi called 911 and told the operator he had stabbed himself in multiple places all over his body.
He said, “I want to die, but I’m not dying.” The 911 operator then asked where Shiva’s wife was, and he said, “Next to me.” The operator asked if his wife could help him with his wounds, and help him stop the bleeding, and he said, “She’s dead.”
Dr. Gwen Amsrala had been stabbed to death by her husband. Gwen’s mom stated that Shiva was angry over Gwen spending the night out with friends.
She was only 28 years old.
Everyone who knew the couple was shocked and utterly horrified. Gwen was more than just a dedicated physician; she was a person of immense generosity and warmth. She was deeply admired by her colleagues, patients, and loved ones for her dedication, compassion, and infectious smile.
Shiva was charged with her murder, and in April 2024, he took an Alford Plea deal to second-degree murder. On May 23, 2024, he was sentenced to 10 to 25 years in prison for her horrific murder.
Dr. Gwen Amsrala’s story underscores that domestic violence homicide can affect anyone, regardless of their profession or background. It is crucial to recognize the red flags of controlling and abusive behavior, such as extreme jealousy and demands for constant communication, which can escalate into violence.
To hear more about Dr. Amsrala and this horrific crime, listen now to A Community in Mourning - The Murder of Dr. Gwen Amsrala.