Hollywood loves an obsessive romantic, but what if the romance we’re meant to cheer for is really just stalking in disguise?
In week 3 of Domestic Violence Month, we're sharing an episode from PNW Haunts & Homicides, hosted by the amazing and talented Caitlyn and Cassie. Normally they focus on all things spooky in the Pacific Northwest, but in this...
We have a special episode this week! In December we were guests on "True Crime Convos" with Lanie Hobbes. We discuss 3 interesting cases that have a unique fact pattern in common. It's a long episode but we think you'll enjo...
In this episode, Shaun and John continue the case of Gary Dotson, the first person to be exonerated through the use of DNA evidence. The episode delves into Gary's background, including his troubled upbringing, and brushes wi...
Let us know what you think about the episode In this episode, Shaun and John introduce the case of Gary Dotson, the first person to be exonerated through the use of DNA evidence. The episode delves into Gary's background, inc...