Amid the shimmering lights and bustling streets of Las Vegas lies a darker, hidden narrative. Sins & Survivors examines the city's most unsettling true crime stories, focusing on cases interwoven with the complexities of domestic violence. In each...
Amid the shimmering lights and bustling streets of Las Vegas lies a darker, hidden narrative. Sins & Survivors examines the city's most unsettling true crime stories, focusing on cases interwoven with the complexities of domestic violence. In each episode, your hosts, Shaun & John, shed light on the gritty realities survivors face and the resilience they embody.
Our mission is twofold. We aim to raise awareness about the often-overlooked issues of domestic violence, sexual violence, and trafficking, providing listeners with educational insights and resources. Simultaneously, we unravel the intricate tales of true crimes in Las Vegas, ensuring that the voices of survivors are heard and remembered.
Join us as we navigate the shadows of Sin City, uncovering stories of tragedy, strength, and survival. Together, we strive to build a more informed and compassionate community, one episode at a time.
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