The Murder of SeMauri Norris - Flashback

A year after the murder of SeMauri Norris, still his family has no answers. They finally got an autopsy report, but can't get the police report, and they've had no updates on the case.
It's an outrage, his family is legally due these answers....
A year after the murder of SeMauri Norris, still his family has no answers. They finally got an autopsy report, but can't get the police report, and they've had no updates on the case.
It's an outrage, his family is legally due these answers.
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Episode #25 - Justice for Se’Mauri
Se’Mauri Norris Johnson, a beloved football player at Desert Pines High went out trick or treating with his friends on Halloween 2023, expecting a night of fun just like so many high school kids.
SeMauri’s mom checked in on him at 9:05pm to find out when he needed to be picked up, but couldnt reach him
SeMauri’s girlfriend called her around 10pm in a panic and confirmed a mother’s worst fears, that her son had been shot and murdered.
Hi and welcome to Sins and Survivors, a Las Vegas true crime podcast, where we focus on cases that deal with domestic violence, missing persons, and unsolved cases. I’m your host, Shaun, and with me as always, is the one and only John.
I am the only John in the room.
John and I had a really busy October this year, because we wanted to share more stories about domestic violence However, it’s vitally important to both of us that we revisit the story of what happened to SeMauri Norris Johnson in honor of the 1 year anniversary of his tragic murder.
Earlier this month, his family and loved ones gathered to celebrate what would have been SeMauri’s 18th birthday. So, while it is Domestic Violence Awareness Month we know that his family is still searching for a resolution and we did not want the month to pass without pausing to remember Semauri.
Se'Mauri was born on October 2nd, 2006 in San Diego. His Mom’s name is Maureisha Johnson, and he has two much younger baby brothers and Samauri has a cousin named Jordan Howden, a safety for the New Orleans Saints.
Se'Mauri’s mom moved them to Las Vegas in 2016, and according to his grandfather, Se'Mauri quickly settled in and started making friends. He went to Desert Pines High School and joined the football team. He was 6’2, 195 lbs, and was an outstanding defensive player.
In his sophomore year, he was out with a broken hand but in his Junior year, he had an absolute breakout year. He was second team all division and was starting to get noticed by colleges.
Tico Rodriguez, his head coach was quoted as saying he had the chance to be a pac-12 athlete... “he was that talented”. Se'Mauri had been playing football since his childhood, and it was all pointing to his eventual goal of going pro, as he wanted, following in his cousin Jordans’s footsteps.
In his last game against Coronado High, which the Desert Pines Panthers lost, he racked up 8 solo tackles, 10 total (which is huge). After the game, he told his coach “Coach, we’ll be back… We’ll be better”
Se'Mauri also ran track, we looked up his stats and he was outstanding in the 100 and 200m, and was starting to get into the 400m relay. He really was an excellent all-around athlete.
He was a well-liked, charismatic, fun-loving, athletic kid who also loved to dance. There are videos of him and his girlfriend making TikToks of them dancing that are so great.
As his girlfriend said “We don’t play with guns, gangbang, or do anything of that sort. We’re athletes and we focus on our grades”
His mom said “he was our protector.. He never got into trouble.. He never talked back”
Halloween 2023 was a Tuesday, and he went out with some of his friends to celebrate, as many kids do every year. His mom called him around 9 pm to find out when he wanted to be picked up, but that was the last time she’d ever speak to him.
The North Las Vegas Police said that Se'Mauri and several other teenagers wearing ski masks got out of a car and quickly approached two teenage trick-or-treaters in a North Las Vegas neighborhood around 9:45 pm.
It's not exactly clear what happened, but one of the trick-or-treaters fired a gun that struck Se'Mauri in the side, and the two fled the scene. Neighbors made frantic calls to 911 to report the shooting, with one witness saying he had heard 4 gunshots.
Police arrived 7 minutes later.
According to Se'Mauri’s family, around 10:15 pm His mom got a call from Se'Mauri’s girlfriend saying that he had been shot. She could see his location on his iPhone, but it wasn't moving, and he wasn't picking up.
She rushed over to the scene, but according to the family, she was not allowed to pass the crime scene tape and was told that when the investigation was over they would come to talk to her. She said at that point there were no paramedics on the scene.
She desperately wanted to cross that yellow tape to be with her son in his last moments, something that we would want every parent to be able to do.
She waited there for hours just 30 feet from where he lay in the street, while rumors on social media grew that Se'Mauri was dead.
According to the family, the detectives finally came to talk to her after midnight and told her that Se'Mauri was shot in self-defense and that there would be no prosecution. The family’s account includes the fact that he was shot in the side, so they very much doubt this was self-defense.
They also said that witnesses were stopped from performing CPR on Se'Mauri and an ambulance did not arrive for over 20 minutes. Maureisha wasn't able to view his body until November 3rd, and even then, it was only a photo.
Obviously, the kids at Desert Pines were in shock. This was the second time in a week one of their students was lost to gun violence and crisis counselors were brought in.
During the investigation, the police went door to door talking to neighbors. They got some Ring doorbell camera footage, but the view of the street is blocked by the family’s Halloween decorations.
It’s a chaotic scene with teenagers running all around, and a black pickup truck leaving the scene quickly. It all happened in just a few seconds.
Se’Mauri’s grandmother LaVette Anderson was on the news and said “We need to find the guy who murdered my grandson. Turn yourself in”
North Las Vegas PD put out the following useless description of the suspects
- Suspect #1 - wearing all black, with a red backpack and a black ski mask.
- Suspect #2 - wearing a “ghost face” mask (the Scream mask)
Three months later, on January 26th, a 16-year-old juvenile was arrested, but not charged with homicide or assault. He was charged with “shooting a gun into an occupied vehicle” and gun possession-related charges. In a press release, they said “The case continues to be an active ongoing investigation”
A year later, there have been no updates at all in the case that we can find in public reporting. Its absolutely shocking to us that a young man was murdered in our community as so many young men of color have been and again there doesnt seem to be any reporting at all on it. We cant say anything about the investigation, but we can way that the police are not sharing anything.
On the family’s website which is meant to help raise awareness of this horrible tragedy, they say “We will do everything in our power to ensure that Se'Mauri’s legacy is one of hope and progress, not despair and mourning”
His family had a memorial service for him at Desert Pines where over 100 people attended. They counted up to 13, Se'Mauri’s jersey number, and released balloons in the Desert Pines High colors.
We wanted to read some quotes from some of his friends, family, and classmates
Tico Rodriguez, his coach said “he was a very special kid. He had a beautiful heart and a million-dollar smile”
His mom said “He was an angel on Earth”
His friend Breyonna Jones said “It shouldn’t be scary for you to go out as a kid on Halloween, and then to be murdered. That’s the last thing we were thinking would happen,”
“He’s one of those kids, you wish you had a hundred of them,” Mikel Gough, coach
“In the three years I have seen him, I have never seen him upset. All of the teammates rallied behind him. He was always the positive guy on the sideline.” - Coach Tico Rodriguez
We’ve been in touch with Se'Mauri’s mom, who has told us that she feels her rights as a victim are not being respected in the way they should be, and the way that is guaranteed by the Nevade State constitution.
When we last spoke to Maureisha, she stated she had not received any updates from the District Attorney’s office regarding the status of Se’Mauri’s case. While a juvenile has been arrested, she has not been informed of the status or disposition of the case.
According to Mauriesha, the DAs office has told her that “there is no victim on this case” which is confusing and inaccurate.
Her attempts to get more information about her son’s death have failed. She is even unbelievably still waiting on an autopsy report, and it is unclear if the North Las Vegas police are still looking for the second suspect.
We’re doing our best to help put her in touch with people within the justice system who can respond to her very reasonable requests for information.
So let's talk about victims’ rights here in Nevada and nationally.
Nevada does have protections for victims and witnesses, and I agree with what Se’Mauri’s grandfather told us – that their rights as victims are being violated.
In Nevada, there has been a crime victims bill of rights written into state law since 1983.
The crime victim bill of rights in Nevada includes:
- The right to know the status of the case in which you are involved.
- The right to know when the defendant is released from custody before or during trial (upon written request).
- The right to know when the offender is released from prison (upon written request).
In 2018, Nevada became one of 18 states that adopted Marsy’s Law, and amended Nevada’s constitution to include additional protections for victims of crime.
They should be notified of court proceedings, can participate in hearings, receive protection, and may request restitution from the offender. It also safeguards their privacy, ensuring they’re treated with dignity and respect throughout the legal process.
We’ll share a link to the provisions of Marsy’s Law here in Nevada (and the general Marsy’s Law provisions) in the show notes, but the link is
Se’Mauri’s family isn’t being given the updates and information they deserve. Not only do they deserve updates, but they are legally guaranteed them.
Se’Mauri’s family asks that we do not forget him. His life absolutely mattered and his loss is a loss to our entire community. He deserves justice and his family deserves answers.
If anyone out there is an attorney who would be willing to reach out to Maureisha and represent her in getting the updates she deserves, please email me at
In April, Se’Mauri’s mom sent us a text about him, and we’d like to read that so you can hear her words directly.
Se'Mauri was an amazing young man. It's true, he was an angel on earth. He never got into trouble, he didn't talk back, he helped wherever needed, he would do anything I asked of him. His heart was truly pure, he was respectful, thoughtful, protective over his mama.
I'm so brokenhearted!! I have experienced a mother's worse nightmare. Se'Mauri was going to be the first in my family to go to a university. He worked so hard to become everything he was. I was robbed!! My everything, my life, my first purpose, my baby.
Se'Mauri deserves justice, this person who was out on Halloween with a gun needs to be caught and held accountable! My life will never be the same, never. I am so hurt, my son did not deserve this. I love you forever Se'Mauri ReMar forever and always. You will have justice baby, thank you for your unconditional love. For 17 years of beautiful memories, I will forever cherish. You are everything, and everything is you.
A parent should be able to cross the yellow tape and be there with their child in their last moments. I need help with changing the mandate for parents in the future.I didn't get to see my son until 3days after his death and that was just a photo it's been 5 months I'm still waiting on an autopsy report and police report. The suspects identity and case are being withheld as confidential. This suspect knows exactly who me and my family are. I want justice for my son. The authorities make it seem as if he deserved this.
We will continue to do what we can to support Se’Mauri’s family and make sure our community does not forget this incredible young man, who is so loved and so missed.
Thanks again for listening and remember what happens here, happens everywhere.